About Us
GlobalFluency is a top-ranked multi-channel marketing, perception management, and demand generation firm with a wide range of branding, PR, thought leadership, and content marketing successes for leading and emerging brands. We’re experts in packaging and bringing to market new and established companies, ideas, products and technologies in ways that differentiate them in their markets, intensify interest and engagement, and drive media coverage, leads, partnership and purchase. Our 3D Marketing Model brings Depth, Distinction and Dynamism to brands so they
stand apart in the marketplace.
what we do
Looking for breakthrough programs that shape perceptions, grow customer relationships and build value for brands? We bring our clients to market in 3D, with Depth, Distinction and Dynamism. Our capabilities span brand positioning, PR, social, content marketing, creative and digital services, lead generation and affinity networking.
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how we do it
Our special competency is Intelligent Market Engagement™, a new integrated approach that leverages best-in-class content marketing and thought leadership practices to accent market needs, predispose decision makers, and rapidly accelerate lead generation and prospect harvesting.
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what we know
Only GlobalFluency has aggregated important executive audiences into its own channels of insight, access and influence, including the Chief Marketing Officer Council, the Business Performance Innovation Network, the Customer Experience Board and others.
industry and client experience
- 21 Icons
- A.T. Kearney
- A10 Networks
- AAMP of America
- Accenture
- Acclaim Technology
- Ace Matrix
- Adaptive Insights
- Adobe
- Africa Library Project
- Agrinos
- Aktana
- Alcatel-Lucent
- Alterian
- Amdahl
- Amdocs
- American Electronics Association
- Amy Jo Gladstone
- Aprimo
- Arena Solutions
- Atempo
- AVG Technologies
- Balesio
- Balihoo
- BearingPoint
- Bivio Networks
- BlueArc
- BlueRoads
- Bodies in Motion
- Borland
- Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
- BPI Network
- Brand South Africa
- Brandmuscle
- Brobeck, Phelger & Harrison
- Brocade
- Burr, Egan & Deleage Venture Capital
- CA Technologies
- California Assn. of Bed & Breakfast Inns
- California Cable Television Association
- Caliper Corporation
- Capsure
- Cardlytics
- CardTech/SecurTech ID Conference & Expo
- Carr & Ferrell
- Casmul
- Caspio
- Catalina Marketing
- Chambers Communications Corporation
- CheckPoint Software Technologies
- Cheetah Software
- ChemTrak
- Cisco Systems
- City of San Jose
- City of Santa Clara
- Clickatell
- CMO Council
- Codenomicon
- Cognizant
- Cognos
- Collagen Corporation
- Commerce Signals
- CompassLabs
- Computer Associates
- Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)
- Confinity Inc.
- Courtyard by Marriott
- COX Cable of San Diego
- Crafted With Pride in the U.S.A.
- Daon
- DAVID Seeds
- DBM Cloud Systems
- Del Monte
- Dell
- Deloitte
- Demandbase
- Diabetes Treatment Centers
- Digital Bridge
- Digital Persona
- Dimension Data
- Disney Adventures
- Disney on Ice
- Dosho Design
- Dow Jones
- E*TRADE Group
- E2Open
- E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo)
- eBay
- Eccentex
- Edgewave
- eDiets.com
- eGain
- El Camino Hospital
- EnerTech Capital Partners
- Entorian
- Entropic
- Ernst & Young LLP
- Eton Solutions
- Exhibit & Event Marketers Association (E2MA)
- Experian
- F-Secure
- Federated Services Company
- Feld Entertainment
- Fertility & Reproductive Health Institute
- Fidelity Technology Group
- Filenet
- First Internet Bank
- Foxit
- Frankford Candy
- Freshpair.com
- Fujitsu
- Full90 Sports
- Funmobility
- Genesys
- GenZe
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- GoTradeLive.com
- Green Packet
- GroupLogic
- Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc.
- HH Global
- Hitachi
- Hoojook
- Host Analytics
- HostAnalytics
- HP
- Hyperion
- Hyundai
- IBM Unica
- IDEO Product Development
- IMA (Interactive Multimedia Association) Expo
- Inala
- Incentalign
- Infosys
- Innopath
- Intel
- Interactive Digital Software Association
- Interwoven
- iYogi
- Jell-O
- Kensington
- Kilopass
- Kool-Aid
- KRON-TV 4 San Francisco
- KwikMed
- Label Insight
- LeapFrog
- LegalMatch.com
- LifeLine Energy (former Freeplay Foundation)
- Lifeline International
- Lightt
- Lipton
- Lithium Technologies
- LoanCity.com
- Locaid Technologies
- LocalGetaways
- LockRack
- Logitech
- Los Altos Long Bar & Good Eats
- Macworld Expo
- MarketBridge
- MarketCulture
- Marketo
- MarkMonitor
- MarkMonitor
- Marvell
- Mastercard International
- Mazola
- McAfee
- Medasonics
- MedeAnalytics
- MentorCloud
- Micro Focus
- Microsoft
- Mindjet
- Mitsubishi International Corp.
- Mixbook
- Mobilewave
- Natural Science Industries
- Navis
- nComputing
- NCPC (National Crime Prevention Council)
- Nestle
- NetApp
- Netbase
- Netline
- NexusGuard
- Nokia
- NTT Innovation Institute, Inc.
- OKI Semiconductor
- Opentext
- Oracle
- Pacific Access Computers
- Packateer
- Paladin fs, LLC
- Pandora
- Panologic
- ParAccel
- Parnell Pharmaceuticals
- PayPal
- Penton, Informa
- Persystent Software
- PF Flyers Sneakers (LJO, Inc.)
- Phoenix Technologies
- Pitney Bowes
- Play Rugby USA
- Post Consumer Brands
- Postini
- ProInsurance
- Radiesse by Bioform
- Rawlings Athletic Shoes
- REACT Systems
- RealMed
- Reply!
- Responsys
- Revstream
- Ringcube Technologies
- Ringling Brothers
- Ropics Exercise Program
- Rosa Pharmaceuticals
- S&W Fine Foods
- SABLE Accelerator Network
- Sale.com
- San Jose International Airport
- San Jose Medical Center
- Sand HIll Properties
- Santa Clara Bar Association
- Santa Clara County Convention Center
- Santa Clara County Health Department
- Satmatrix
- Savings Association Mortgage Company
- Schering-Plough Health Care Products
- Schooner Information Technology
- Seagate
- Sears Optical
- Serviceaide
- SGI (Formerly Rackable Systems)
- Shoreline IOT
- Sienna Holdings
- SKIPPY Peanut Butter
- SKUx
- Snakatack
- Softlayer
- Spalding SportRope
- SPARC Systems
- SportAerobics International
- SquareHit Tennis
- SRI International
- Sterling Commerce
- SuccessFactors
- Sun Microsystems
- Symantec
- Symphonix Devices Inc.
- Synnex Information Technologies
- Taleo
- TCI Cablevision of California
- Tech Mahindra
- Tech Planet
- The CMO Council CMO Summit
- The Private Bank of the Penninsula
- TiE
- TiEcon
- Toa Technologies
- Transmeta
- TravelScape.com
- TV Guide on Screen
- Twerly
- TwistLock
- TXT2GET.com
- Ubuntu Education Fund
- UC Davis Medical Center
- UNICEF Innovation Center
- UniForum
- Unity Semiconductor
- Unkechaug Indian Nation
- USLaw.com
- UST Global
- Vacatia
- Vacatia
- Vanstar Corporation
- Viaquo
- Vistaar
- Visto
- Vizu/Nielsen
- webMethods
- Webtrends
- Wilocity
- Wilocity
- Wipro
- Wireless LAN Association
- Wyse
- XO Communications
- Yahoo
- Zero1 San Jose
- Zilog
- ZumeLife